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Memolane – your Social Media scrapbook

Have you every wondered how your Social Media interactions would look in a scrap book?  Take a look at Memolane and watch your digital life scroll right before your very eyes.

Memolane - Social Media memories in your personal scrapbookIntegrating with Twitter and Facebook, Flickr, Foursquare, YouTube and Picasa (and many many more) your personal Memolane is displayed as a date indexed view of everything you’ve said and done, photographed, commented, visited and shared.

The San Fransisco based team started life as an idea pitched at Startup Weekend Copenhagen in April 2010 and their story can be seen, as a Memolane of course, right here.

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Integrate your website with LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an Internet platform company focused on connecting the world’s professionals. The LinkedIn website launched in 2003 and is the world’s largest professional network with more than 90 million members, representing every country and executives from every Fortune 500 company.”

With that amount of information, integrating with the LinkedIn solution can provide a vast amount of valuable CRM information covering company profiles, employee lists, interest groups and individuals.

Access to this information is now available through the newly released LinkedIn Platform API. Let your users bring LinkedIn profiles and networks with them to your site or … Continue Reading

e-commerce working for your business

The buying and selling of goods and services over the internet (commonly known as e-commerce) allows you to carry out business with your customers 24/7/365 without the barriers of time or distance.

Predictions for 2011 show a dramatic increase in the number of online purchases. The downturn in the economy has resulted in customers being more “bargain savvy” than ever before, spending time to research, compare and identify the best price possible. An increase in the number of mobile and tablet devices in use mean that access to the internet is simpler than ever pushing the number of online purchases to an all time high. Continue Reading

Social Media and the Customer Relationship

A recent report from Gartner says that worldwide enterprise social software revenue is on track to total $664.4 Million in 2010. This is a 14% increase on 2009 with a forecast growth for 2011 of 15.7% giving an expected revenue of around $769 million.

The use of social software to drive business is well knowm however take up is supprisingly slow. A Forbes article on “The Future of Selling: Its Social” states that although many U.S companies claim to have a social media strategy, only 9% of U.S salespeople have training in using social media for sales.

The … Continue Reading