* You are viewing the archive for February, 2011

More REST queries with CRM 2011

Prompted by a question on a previous post, I’ve posted some additional examples on the CRM 2011 REST interface. In particular, this post covers the ability to query relationships and complex types.  All the examples below and more are explained in the CRM 2011 SDK.
From an <entity>Set query, there are a number of <link …>  elements that describe the URL’s to access information from the current entity relationships. For example:

To list a specific Account, request


If you then search in the response content for “contact_customer_accounts”, you will find an entry like

<link rel=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/related/contact_customer_accounts” type=”application/atom+xml;type=feed” title=”contact_customer_accounts” href=”AccountSet(guid’b9436b0d-b832-e011-9e40-00155da9cd4f’)/contact_customer_accounts” />

The href … Continue Reading

CRM 2011 xRM.SDK.Relationship and the missing link

The CRM 2011 API contains a new class xRM.SDK.Relationship. Relationship manages the parent-child reference between entities and allows you to express “RelatedEntites” in a parental or referential relationship and create the whole stack in a single Create() call.  Thats the theory but it doesn’t appear to work as expected. Continue Reading