Social Media and the Customer Relationship

A recent report from Gartner says that worldwide enterprise social software revenue is on track to total $664.4 Million in 2010. This is a 14% increase on 2009 with a forecast growth for 2011 of 15.7% giving an expected revenue of around $769 million.

The use of social software to drive business is well knowm however take up is supprisingly slow. A Forbes article on “The Future of Selling: Its Social” states that although many U.S companies claim to have a social media strategy, only 9% of U.S salespeople have training in using social media for sales.

The customer story is changing rapidly with pre and post sales steps involving social media to research, question, rate, review and recommend products and services.  This impacts both marketing and sales disciplines, prompting a synergy between them.

The ability to integrate marketing, sales and support tools with the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Google will play a big part in enterprise solution offerings over the next 12 months.